Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Before we begin our journey into Indian religion and mythology let us first understand where in the world we are journeying to.
India is located in South Asia

The population of India according to the world bank is approximately 1,170,938,000. This means that the country is extremely densely populated as it is about one third the land mass of the United States which has a population of 307,006,550. In short, there are a lot of people and this leads to a great deal of languages, foods, and religion, the latter of which we will be talking about in this class. 

Click on map to enlarge

Normally, in an introductory course to religion you might have one or even a few books that you would be reading for information and then attending class for the analysis of that information. Here however, you are getting the chance to take advantage of an online multi-media and multi-faceted "text book" that covers mythology and practice in India from a variety of different angles. 

How to use the blog: In this class you will be expected to read and watch all of the text and video for the blog post for the week. Click on everything that is hyperlinked. I expect you to come to class prepared and ready for discussion. All of the blog posts include, text, pictures and videos so over a span of one week the assignment is more than manageable. An important thing to keep in mind is that the pictures and videos in this blog are not just for decoration. They are to be examined, observed and watched thoroughly as they are an integral part of not just how you receive information in this class, but also the dynamics of religion in Indian in general.   

Just how did the "Introduction to Indian Religion" blog come into existence? Well, after your brilliant professor decided that media was an important tool for learning in the 21st century, he developed this idea that was taken on by four capable graduate students who scoured the internet, and yes even some books, to bring you a multimedia experience for understanding Indian religion. Please enjoy the hard work that was poured into this site!