Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Indian Calendar and Festivals


Creation Myth:
There are many creations myth abound in the religion of India, but perhaps one of the best known is that of the  "Hymn to Purusha," which describes the splitting of cosmic being Purusa into all of creation.

The Cycle of Time:

According to Hindu scriptures, all mortal beings are destined to pass through four great epochs in every cycle of creation and destruction. This divine cycle turns full-circle at the end of what is known as kalpa. A kalpa is a yuga cycle, which is a period of 10,000 divine years, and is divided into four ages or yugas (Sanskrit yuga = age/epoch). According to one calculation, one yuga cycle is estimated to be 4,320,000 years, and one kalpa4,320,000,000 years.

The Yugas:
It is believed that in these different ages humanity will see a gradual decline of dharma, wisdom, knowledge, intellectual capability, life span, emotional and physical strength.
  • Satya Yuga:- Virtue reigns supreme. Human stature was 21 cubits. Average human lifespan was 100,000 years.
  • Treta Yuga: - There was 3 quarter virtue & 1 quarter sin. Normal human stature was 14 cubits. Average human lifespan was 10,000 years.
  • Dwapar Yuga: - There was 1 half virtue & 1 half sin. Normal human stature was 7 cubits. Average human lifespan was 1000 years.
  • Kali Yuga: - There was 1 quarter virtue & 3 quarter sin. Normal human stature was 3.5 cubits. Average human lifespan will be 100 years. Towards the end of the Yuga this will come down to 20 years.
Currently we are living in the Kali Yuga

Hindu Festivals During the Year:

Hinduism is often described as a religion of fasts, feasts and festivals, and it is for that reason that it is important to gain an understanding of a sampling of this tradition's celebrations in order to glimpse what the authentic Indian religious life looks like.

Below is a list of festivals that we have reviewed in many of the other posts, with the addition of several others. The dates correspond to the six Ritu, a sanskrit term essentially meaning "the order of things." You can learn more about the six Ritu here.

  • Vasant (Rama Navami 04-01-2012)
  • Grishma (Ratha Yatra 06-21-2012)
  • Varsha (Krishna Janmaashtami 08-10-2012 and Ganesh Chaturthi 09-19-2012)
  • Sharad (Durga Puja 10-20-2012, Dussehra 10-24-2012 and Divali 11-13-2012)
  • Hemant (Pancha Ganapati 12-21-2012)
  • Shishir (Mahashivaratri 02-20-2012 and Holi 03-08-2012